Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The "Axis" Run on Touhou Mystic Square

So.... I was doing some stuff, and I just randomly opened up Touhou, to play.
I'm not very good at Touhou, I'd have to say I play on Easy most of the time.
So.... Yeah.
Today was not a good day for Touhou, it seemed.
But anyway!

For those of you not in the know...
Touhou is a series of Danmaku shmups, made by a man in Japan by the name of Ota Jun'ya, who goes by the alias ZUN. More information can be found at the wiki.

A friend of mine got me hooked on these games, which have amazing music, as far as I'm concerned.
I'll give you a small lesson on what these games are.
The main style of Touhou is this: You control a magical girl, who shoots down all number of enemies on the way to solve whatever it is that's plaguing their magical land.
Sounds pretty sissy, but the music easily makes up for it.
ANYWAY! Back to what i was saying.
I was bored, and had a decent-sized block of time to kill, so I decided to set something straight with myself.
And here is what came of it.


Pshhh, anyway let's get cracking on this. This isn't going to be the best thing ever, as I never really took screenshots during the whole thing (until the score) so I had to get them after, but you'll see what I'm talking about when I WANT you to.
The game features four protagonists.

Reimu Hakurei, the shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine. She rides her turtle, Genji, as she can't yet fly on her own. Her attack style is a forward spread type, with two homing options.

Marisa Kirisame, a witch. She was the fourth stage boss of Touhous 2 and 4, Story of Eastern Wonderland and Lotus Land Story, respectively. She flies on a broom, and seems to have a knack for collecting hoarding stealing borrowing things without giving them back.... Well, let's just say her house is full of stuff.
Her attack pattern is very different from Reimu's. Instead of a spread attack for her main shot, she uses a wall of stars, which increases in size from two to four to six depending on her power level. In addition, she has options which give her a small spread on each side, but not by much.

Mima, who is Mima, and therefore Mima. Mima was the fifth-stage-boss Final Boss of Touhou 2: Story of Eastern Wonderland. She also appeared in the next game, Phantasmagoria of Flower View. Her attack style is what I refer to as rushing. Basically, she focuses a great deal on forward fire, so she can easily rush through things. But she has pretty much no spread. Don't worry, this next one makes up for it.

Her name is Yuka, and she was the Final Boss as well as the boss of the stage before that for Lotus Land Story.Apparently she made an appearance in t he Extra, but I don't buy that. Yuka has what I refer to as a  spread-type, spread-based spreading spread, spreading the spread of its spread over the screen, which is spreadingly covered in spread.. Basically, spread type. It gets really wide.

So, anyway, yes. Those are your four characters... You have one for the four types of play. Item-whoring Homing, Reimu. Spread, Yuka. Piercing/"rush", Mima. And.... Marisa's here too. Wall-type?

I'm actually pretty done with the screenshots for now. So you can stop scrolling and read!^^
Or, keep scrolling for the pictures, if you do that instead.

Anyway, first off... Today was NOT a good day for Touhou, NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST. I won't even count the fact I had to do a Normal TD run. <.<

The main problem I was having was sheer bad luck and lack of attention to stray danmaku. Sara must have been in a bad mood, because every single spray she directed was towards me. On every run. This is Easy, remember.

Louise was absolute killer. As always. The Spinwheel of Death, the pellets, those close-together tiny four danmaku at once, all of it. I hate it.

Come to think of it, I hate Kyouko, too... Because of her attack patterns... Maybe I have a thing against stage two bosses. o.O

But besides that, here's where things got really frustrating.

My run was with all the characters. I played with Yuka, Reimu, Marisa, and Mima, in that order.

Yuka's run was interesting. She moves a lot faster than what I remember. She was able to catch a few items I wouldn't have thought she would. Or maybe I was just mistaking her for Yuyuko's speed. Anyway, I didn't get to Shinki. At all. Alice absolutely raped me. It's always Alice, ALWAYS Alice. But, I've gotten a lot of practice in! For Alice, sometimes her dolls will form a barrier in front of her. Just go behind and graze where they can't shoot her. (Make sure to get behind her on the right side; if you start from the left, Alice, her dolls, and her danmaku all run into you at once.) For the very final wave? Simple. Just slowly, very slowly move to the right, it'll end very quickly.

But for the rest of the fight? DOLL WING SPREAD, and DOLL LASER? Oh god, Alice is just too much.

Stage four is stage fou-- Wait what? IT'S EASY? Okay then.

OH GOD NOT LOUISE hey I figured out how to beat her... JUST GET AWAY FROM HER AS FAR AS YOU CAN. Doesn't work unless you're Yuka or Reimu, though.

Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai.I hate Yuki and Mai. Yuki and Mai are the bane of Touhou for me.

I have this... Thing I do. I will never fight Yuki. EVER.

................... Unless I play as Marisa. Because Marisa MUST kill her look-alike.

To be honest, I've figured out most of Mai's attack patterns. When she spreads from her arms, and goes around to cut off the whole screen from you, you can charge right in, grazing past the first danmaku and the entire rest of the card will avoid you. Also, her Magic Ice Orbs are breakable.

Yuki has Magic Fire Orbs... They are NOT breakable. And the last attack Mai does screws with me because of it.

End playthrough for Yuka. Why does it say I got to stage six?

Reimu went to the same length, but got to stage five. I fought Yumeko, and for once, I'm actually starting to learn her attack style.

She has an easier version of EX-Alice's attack, which Sanae stole. The reason it's easier is because it doesn't limit the space you have on the screen that isn't filled with death.

I figured out how to clear that attack, too. She repeats it several times with growing speed. Basically, you have to trick it... Slowly move one way, then JUMP the rest of the screen, and move back a bit... Repeating this, you can easily dodge the entire thing.

She shares Yuyuko's last word in Ten Desires, the one on Lunatic. I find it easy. Here's a tip: You can survive for the first few seconds by staying entirely still. Then just move right quickly, and back left (or vice-versa, which is what I did) until it's over. But it'll soon be over for Yumeko's side.

End playthrough for Reimu.

I got lucky with Marisa. Really, REALLY lucky. I mean, after stage three.

GUESS WHAT? ALICE'S BULLETS WERE FUCKING INVISIBLE. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT. I COULD NOT FUCKING SEE THEM. The whiteish blue ones, and the pellets were UNSEEABLE. So the only thing I did perfectly was when the dolls form a barrier, because I have that one timed perfectly.

Her last attack was visible, though, oddly.

I knew how to save myself from losing a few lives to Yumeko, and even with the ones Yuki took, I was able to get to Shinki.

GET TO, yes. I knew I'd get to her.

I crashed RIGHT INTO Great Magic. The freaking Growth Card, AS IT FUCKING STARTED. Big derp moment #2 for me. Reminds me of when I was playing PCB, and Sakyua crashed into the very first danmaku Yuyuko fired. End game. ._.

End playthrough for Marisa.


I killed everything, yes, and was able to stock up enough lives for stages 5 and 6.

Yumeko's face was priceless after I beat her with no lives lost.

And Shinki. Er... Yeah. I derped a lot here. But, I had three continues! So I was fine to mess up.

Shinki is indeed powerful. POWERFUL, BUT FAIR. She doesn't pull shit like Yumeko or Kanako (HAHA, TECHNICOLOR INVINCIBILITY!) or even Mai did (MY BULLETS STOP YOURS!) which generally makes me respect her as a boss. She's hard, yeah, well DUH, it's the final boss. But she doesn't pull a lot of the crap I often see final bosses pull. Which all in all, makes me look forward to fighting her, because she's actually beatable.
I bombed Great Magic like fuck, as always.
In the end, I ended up losing all my lives, and continues (remember, this was a very bad day for Touhou) AND my bombs. But, I beat her.

SEE THAT? Fucking ignore the bottom two for Mima, that was before Shinki killed me.. TWENTY MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND FUCKING SIXTY. Is that good? Probably mediocre. But it's my new high-score! For this computer, anyway.

Anyway, I'm off. As for why my nick was Axis... I have no idea. But it'll probably stick for Touhou.


Hello! So today, I had an amazing idea.
I should make a real blog!!
I mean, not one where I keep my writings... One where I can show all sorts of things! But mostly games.
I'll be posting Touhou-related and Minecraft-related things here, if you're interested.
I'm pretty pleasant, so stay if you like that sort of thing!
Also, here's some random image, just to test to see if I can add one.
It's the skin I use for my Minecraft. Not made by me, credit to whoever made it, and Notch for such an awesome game.